The right to education is a fundamental human right. Every individual, irrespective of race, gender, nationality, ethnic or social origin, religion or political preference, age or disability, is entitled to a free elementary education. This right is explicitly stated in the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Ensuring access to education is a precondition for full realization of the right to education. Without access, it is not possible to guarantee the right to education. Quality of education is the other side of coin. Providing access to schools secures only one part of the right to education. Once in school, children can be subjected to victimization of being a first generation learner. In such cases they may often lag behind other peers, may feel afraid of not being able to perform upto the mark and hence develop a tendency to run away from education especially the school. To address this issue CREW helps such first generation learners and educationally weaker children through backup coaching in the community centres, often in the school premises itself after the school hours so that the children are able to cope with their expected standards.

CREW has also initiated an innovative methodology of teaching English in government schools through the use of computer, called DigitaL English Learning. This digital English class has improved the standard of reading writing and internalizing the English language in a very child friendly and scientific way.

Under the guidance of CREW, there are more than 500 children reached in Kolkata and 300 children in Patna. The community coaching centres are run by community teachers under the supervision of our staff. The teachers are technically trained by experts in this field to manage a multigrade class within a limited time frame so that the children can perform as per their age.

Computer literacy is defined as one’s ability to work effectively with a computer system. This level of computer literacy demands from students necessary skills to work with operating systems e.g., Windows, Mac, Linux and common applications such as spreadsheets, word processors, and databases. Vocational education is regarded as education which provides the recipient with the basic knowledge and practical skills needed for entry into the workforce. Vocational education nurtures skills that are necessary for agricultural, industrial, commercial, and economic development. In effect, vocational education is focused on building a self-reliant society as well as a self-reliant nation. In advanced nations of the world vocational education is treated as an integral part of the individual’s total education. Ideally, a computer literate person should have the knowledge and ability to use computers and technology efficiently. The computer literate person demonstrates the ability to use technology to access, manipulate, evaluate, use, and present information. He or she is also comfortable using computer programs and other applications for professional and personal purposes. Computer literacy is the art of being able to tell a computer to do what the user wants it to do. It implies knowledge of how a computer operates (e.g., calculates, compares, and copies). Computer literacy can also require a conceptual understanding of system analysis and design, application programming, system programming, and data center operations..

As a part of this computer literacy initiative, CREW has designed a module and manual that has the curriculum of basics of computer literacy programme. This manual is being created by IT professionals and training to the teachers is also given by them. CREW caters to more than 100 children in various slums of Kolkata through this initiative. Here the beneficiaries has to have a minimum class VIII certificate. They are mostly the adolescent and the youth who are of the employable age group. Preparedness for an e-job is the main motive of the programme.

Besides this the organization also reaches out to more than 700 school going children in the rural belt of Kakdwip, south 24 Parganas. This programme is running is close association with the ssm run schools for students from clases IV to class IX. The overwhelming response is the motivating factor for the schools who would otherwise remain much away from the world of e-zone. All these children after having performed satisfactorily passed in their assessment receive certificate that would help them pursue advanced course or any job in the back office.

Girls and women lack access to financial capital and have limited opportunities to gain education, knowledge, and skills that can lead to economic advancement. Inadequate policy frameworks and inequitable gender norms also often create barriers to girls' economic advancement. Factors that lead to womens’ empowerment are financial, employment, life-skills and social support strategies.Given the various challenges girls and women face on a daily basis, vocational training can play a key role in helping girls get jobs. Vocational training typically includes development of technical capacity, entrepreneurship, and business skills. Ideally, vocational training is demand-oriented and builds specific skills tailored to prospective employers' needs. Other vocational training programmes help women build a wide set of soft skills, such as conflict resolution, team building, and communication, which they can use in a variety of jobs.

Based on this concept CREW has been running 3 vocational training centres for women and adolescent girls in the minority dominated areas of Kolkata. Here more than 150 women learn cutting, stitching, embroidery and tailoring. This is also specified course oriented. Girls come out of their veil with the hope of doing something different, making difference in their family and the community. At the end of their course USHA International assess their knowledge both theoretical and practical and gives away certificates to them. Their valuable certificates have helped many girls get a job in their respective fields. Some have also taken to training as their means of earning. Girls also learn mehndi work and paper work that have helped them to make paper bags, photo frames and many utility items. CREW is in the process of creating marketing skill and tieing up with various markets where the women the sale their products.

CREW organizes awareness programs on various issues of health and hygiene towards creating a healthier society by popularizing preventive measures, For this purpose CREW organizes street plays, puppet shows and community meetings etc. Another strategy employed is involving children and youth in awareness programs like rallies, debates etc. because, children are the best messengers to carry the message to their parents, family and other community members. Information about the conduct of health awareness sessions and camps is widely canvassed by Health-weeks and health camps that are generally organized in the urban and rural communities. The camps are organized in coordination with the community with the help of government registered doctors keeping their time and other constraints in mind. Through these activities CREW ensures that such programs reach maximum number of people. Various medical companies supply medicine to CREW which are distributed among the patients as per their prescriptions absolutely free of cost.

Health awareness programmes are held on diseases like tuberculosis, malaria, dengue, HIV/AIDS and various child health problems. Small community meetings mostly with the women of the communities are also held on ante-natal and post natal care, gynaecological problems and also on issues of girl child and nutritious food habit and hygienic practices. Sensitisation programmes are also held on pregnant and lactating women on maternal and child health and to reduce women and infant mortality rates.

Positive Deviance / Hearth approach has been adopted in some places to address malnourishment in 0-5 year age-group children. Under this approach, the positive deviants (families with well-nourished children) are identified to understand the unique behaviors that enable them to outperform their neighbours and this wisdom is shared with the families with malnourished children through well designed nutrition Hearth education programs.

It has been observed that many children drop out of school due to lack of interest in school curriculums. To overcome this situation, improve the teaching skill and to ensure a child friendly environment in classroom, CREW has imparted many trainings to the community based teachers and mobilizers. The training program helps to conceptualize the teaching methodology in an accelerated and interesting manner by building teachers capacity. Apart from the educational betterment it also helps in getting a clear understanding on Right to Education Act, Classroom management and monitoring, leadership, communication skill and self development.

CREW has also imparted training programs for the teachers dealing with adolescents. While imparting computer literacy to the adolescents it was realized that developing a positive behavior, correct attitude and grooming was also important for them to cope with the everyday competitions and challenging circumstances. Considering this life skill training was given to the students for an overall development of them. Similar training programme were held for the vocational course students and teachers'. Here the students lack generally confidence and are not exposed to the work culture. Trainers trainings are also given to vocational teachers by USHA international.